The Ac'vity Den - Health, Fitness and Wellbeing Hub believes that:

“Children and young people (under 18) and vulnerable adults have the right to have fun and be safe.”

No child, young person or vulnerable adult will be treated less favourably than any other person on the grounds of age, disability, ethnic or na'onal origin, gender, marital or parental status, poli'cal belief, race, religion or sexual orienta'on.


All TAD volunteers will be given a copy of this policy and must agree to apply it in prac'ce. The policy is a condi'on of service with TAD.

Volunteers who will come into contact on a frequent basis with children, young people or vulnerable adults will:

Read and refer to the document, ‘what to do if you’re worried a child is being abused
– summary’ issued by the Department of Health. Copies are available on their website, or from the Secretary of TAD.

ARend appropriate training (such as Child, Young People and/or Vulnerable Adult Protec'on).

Have regular discussions within supervision sessions about their prac'ce and implementa'on of the policy.


Children and Young People are the terms applied to people under the age of 18.

Physical Abuse is causing physical injury, or failing to prevent physical injury or suffering. It may involve hiYng, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffoca'ng or otherwise causing physical harm. Physical harm may also be caused when a carer or parent feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill health to a child or young person they are looking a[er.

Emo'onal Abuse is the persistent emo'onal ill treatment of a child or young person, such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on their emo'onal development. It can include threats, verbal aRacks, shou'ng and rejec'ng behaviour. It may involve conveying to children and young people that they are worthless, unloved or inadequate, or valued in so far as they meet the needs of another person. All abuse is likely to have an emo'onal abuse element

Neglect is the persistent failure to meet the basic physical and/or psychological needs of a child or young person. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, failing to protect from physical harm or danger, failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment, or leaving a child or young person alone and unsupervised. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to basic emo'onal needs.

Sexual Abuse involves forcing or en'cing a child or young person to take part in sexual ac'vi'es, whether or not the child or young person is aware of what is happening. The ac'vi'es may involve physical contact including penetra've and non-penetra've acts. They may include non-contact ac'vi'es such as involving children in looking at or in the produc'on of pornographic material or watching sexual ac'vi'es or encouraging children and young people to behave in a sexually inappropriate way.

Independent Person is the term for someone nominated to be available for a child or young person to consult if they have concerns about being exploited or abused. When working within the framework of another organisa'on, TAD staff must find out the name and contact details of the Independent Person.

Designated Person is the term for the person in an organisa'on responsible for dealing with concerns or allega'ons of abuse.


At TAD the Designated Person is: TBC, in the interim: Kimberley Grillo, Director Their responsibili'es are:

To be familiar with the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board (LSCB) procedures

To be familiar with any child protec'on procedures produced by TAD

To obtain training on child protec'on and their responsibili'es

To have responsibility for child protec'on and child welfare issues in TAD and keep

TAD appropriately informed

To liaise with Social Services and other agencies regarding the child protec'on and welfare issues of children and young people within TAD

To hold informa'on and contact details on child abuse and childprotec'on procedures, consulta'on, referral and support services available

To be available to offer advice and informa'on within TAD on child protec'on and welfare issues – making it clear how they can be contacted

To ensure that an individual case record is maintained of the ac'on taken by the organisa'on, the liaison with other agencies and the outcome

To be able to offer informa'on regarding counselling services (or other) availableif required by staff, volunteer or child

To advise TAD of child protec'on training needs.


Inappropriate Advances

Children and young people can some'mes make sugges've approaches to an adult. Some'mes inappropriate physical contact can happen quite accidentally. It is vital that the

adult takes responsibility to:

Inform the child or young person that their language or behaviour is unacceptable

Inform the Designated Person about the incident

Record the incident in case accusa'ons are made later

Consult with the Designated Person in deciding what ac'ons should be taken to

help the child or young person, and prevent a re-occurrence.

Dealing with Concerns or Allegations

If you suspect a child is being abused:

Immediately inform the Designated Person

Record the facts as you know them and give a copy to the Designated Person

Ensure the child or young person has access to an Independent Person

Ensure that no aspect of TAD’s ac'vi'es could cause further concern.

If a child or young person discloses to you abuse by someone else:

Ask the child or young person to speak without interrup'on, receiving what is said

ARempt to alleviate feeling of guilt and isola'on, whilst passing no judgement

Advise that you will try to offer support, but that you must pass on the informa'on given

Offer the child or young person the opportunity to talk to someone else(e.g. Childline, Social Services)

Then take the steps, as above in suspec'ng a child is being abused. If you receive an allega'on about an adult or about yourself:

Immediately tell the Designated Person

Record the facts as you know them and give a copy to the Designated Person

Try to ensure that no one is placed in a posi'on which could cause further


You must refer. You must not inves'gate.

Facts to be recorded when a disclosure or allega'on of abuse is made (we recommend using the form aRached to the end of this policy document):

Date and 'me of the incident or disclosure

Name of the child or young person and parent or carers details.

Child’s or young person’s address and relevant telephone numbers.

What is said to have happened or what was seen and heard.

When did it occur? Who else, if anyone, was there?

What evidence of abuse can be recorded? (See Defini'ons)

Who was involved in the incident, and in what way?

What was said by those involved?

If the child or young person was able to say what happened, how did they describe it?

Were the parents or carers informed? If so by whom and when?

Allegations against Volunteers or Staff

When there is an allega'on that a member of staff or volunteer has caused harm or may have caused harm to a child, this shall be referred to the social services department with a request for an inves'ga'on under the child protec'on procedures. The Designated Person will be informed immediately, and this should be confirmed in wri'ng.

Whilst allega'ons are being inves'gated any person against whom an allega'on has been made, should not have any unsupervised contact with children and young people. In more serious cases suspension may be necessary.

During the process of inves'ga'on all persons concerned may need support and appropriate support will be made available by TAD.


Do treat everyone with respect.
Do provide a good example that others will follow.

Do plan ac'vi'es which always involve more than one person being present, or at least within sight or hearing of others.

Do respect a child or young person’s right to personal privacy.

Do encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out aYtudes and behaviours they do not like.

Do remember that someone else might misinterpret your ac'on. No maRer how well inten'oned.

Do recognise that cau'on is required when dealing with bullying, bereavement or abuse. Do not leave children and young people in unsupervised charge of ac'vi'es involving other children and young people.

Do not permit abusive peer ac'vi'es such as ini'a'on ceremonies, ridiculing or bullying.

Do not generally play physical contact games with children and young people unless you plan them carefully and be aware of how others may see them as inappropriate.

Do not have any inappropriate physical or verbal contact with others. Do not jump to conclusions about others without checking the facts.

Do not allow yourself to be drawn into inappropriate aRen'on seeking behaviour such as tantrums or crushes.

Do not exaggerate or trivialise child abuse issues.

Do not show favouri'sm to any individual.

Do not make sugges've remarks or gestures in the presence of children and young people.

Do not smoke or swear in the presence of children and young people.

Do not invite children or young people to your home alone or give them your personal contact details.

Do not rely on just your good name to protect you.
Do not conduct or plan ac'vi'es outside TAD’s agreed terms of reference.


Service Users and Providers shall contain the clause “The service users & providers confirms that they are aware of the Child, Young Person & Vulnerable Adult Protec'on Policy of TAD and will undertake to ensure that they work within it”.

Date WriRen: Last Reviewed: Date for Review:

August 2023 November 2023 August 2024



Name of young person/VA Address
Telephone number:

Address of parents/carers (if different)

Telephone number:

Date of report


Your name (print)

Your signature:

Your role:

Date of Concern/Incident

Time of Concern/Incident

Report of incident/concern/disclosure (For required information see Child, Young Person & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy, Section 5, Procedures)

(Check to make sure your report is clear now – and will also be clear to a stranger reading it next year)

Action taken

............................................................................................................................. Received by ............................................................................Designated Person for Child Protection Date .................................................. Time ...........................................

Proposed action by Designated Person

....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... (continue overleaf if necessary)

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